Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday at the Table

Well, I am getting this posted today, but not by much. It's currently 11:07 and I should be in bed, but I really wanted to post all my creations this week. I made myself choose three to post, because otherwise it would be pretty long. So here it goes.

First off I made Mexican Pumpkin Lasagna. Yes, you read it right, pumpkin. It's really good, and the pumpkin isn't really a flavor you taste, it more just adds body and some extra nutrition to the dish. This is the hubby's portion, but I made 1/2 with cheese and 1/2 without (for myself) and each side came out just fine! The recipe uses tortillas instead of noodles, I used whole wheat low fat ones (because that's what I had) and they worked just fine. It actually reminded me more of enchiladas than lasagna, but either way it was really yummy. And both boys ate it so that is a plus!! If you want the recipe let me know and I'll email it to you. It's out of my pumpkin cookbook.

Served up with some squash, zuch, onions and sweet potatoes.

Next is my Chicken Pot Pie...YUM! This is one of my favorite meals, but we don't make it often because it takes awhile to prepare the filling - but it's so good when I make it. This time it was even better because I made my own crust!! YUMMY! I even cut out cute little pumpkins to go on top...yea I was pretty proud of myself! :)

placing the pumpkins

ready to go in the oven!

all done

ready to eat! YUMMY

And last, another recipe from my pumpkin cookbook...pumpkin pancakes! These were really good, and a nice change from everyday buttermilk pancakes. And yes, I do have a small obsession with all things pumpkin this time of year. These were pretty easy to whip up, so again, if you want the recipe just let me know. I had mine with a drizzle of maple syrup and some apple butter...very tasty!

The munchkin enjoying his pumpkin cakes

Well that's it for this week. I don't know how much posting I'll get done the rest of the week. I have lots of fun things to post about but as you all know my marathon is THIS WEEKEND!!! I leave Friday AM to fly out to DC so I won't be around much. But if you don't hear from me before, I'll be back next week with all the details. Catch ya'll later!


blunoz said...

Wow that Mexican pumpkin lasagna sounds good. All the stuff you make sounds good, but I have a particular affinity for Mexican food.

My wife puts pumpkin in our waffles sometimes - it's one of her sneaky ways of getting the boys to eat an orange vegetable.

Anonymous said...

You're so adorable! Is that the same pumpkin cookbook you sent me? If so, I need to try that...when I'm eating solids again.

OMG I see you in TWO DAYS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I keep coming looking for your race report and I keep seeing pancakes. Thus, one could deduce that if you do not post your race report very very soon, I might binge and blame you! Ok, not really...but it sounded good!

Anonymous said...

um i was totally there to EAT the chicken pot pie. i was sad to see i was not even mentioned :(