Tuesday, March 11, 2008

through the eyes of a three year old

A post or two ago I mentioned that my little hot shot was becoming quite the photographer. This weekend I let him use our old digital camera, and I though I would show you some of his work. It's kind of fun to see what he considers to be "picture worthy" not to mention seeing how we all look from down at his level! So, lets get started. The first few are things that my little guy finds interesting, or at least enough so to take pictures of.

His feet

Bella and some of the decorations being used in this weekends auction

More decorations, the TV, and the munchkins bumbo seat

Now for the people that he loves. Up first is Daddy and Uncle J.

Grams and Cousin L

And of course Mama (in quite the messy kitchen)

I thought these were fun and just wanted to share. He is growing up so fast. And because I didn't have a chance to take many pictures over the weekend, at least someone did! Sorry this can't be longer, but today is a crazy day and I need to get moving. But I'll be back tomorrow with some updates on what is going around here! Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Wow...he's got quite the steady hand with the camera! Good shots!

Anonymous said...

thats so cute, love it. haha. its funny that view from down there. haha :) well dont have much goin on here right now, just wanted to say hi, oh and will you make me a new xanga page? the flowers are a bit old now...kinda getting bored with it. if ya know what i mean. let me know if you can, if not no biggie. byeee :)