Friday, June 27, 2008

a few Friday thoughts

Hi there! I am really looking forward to the weekend.

Today has NOT gone the way I thought it would at all, but that's okay, I am trying to use it to my advantage. The big kid had his last set of lessons today, and he graduated from his class to Level I, however you have to be 5 to be enrolled in that class, so my only options are to get him private lessons or to sign him up for the same class again...I think I'll just work with him the rest of the summer on my own and then maybe next summer we can do some private lessons.

We were supposed to have a playdate this afternoon here at our house, but my friend called and cancelled this AM while I was at lessons. Too bad I didn't know before I left because I would have saved myself the 7:30am trip to the grocery store to get snacks and just left at 8:30 for lessons. Oh well, the plus side is now we have lots of fresh fruit for the weekend to enjoy and I don't have to go out later.

I have been pretty productive, cleaned the boys room, and the guest room, need to go tackle their bathroom while they are napping. I did most of the downstairs yesterday, so I'm good to go there, and I am also doing laundry. So there you have it, that's what I have been up to.

Tonight at this little outdoor theatre place they are showing "A Bee Movie" so I think we are going to take the kids to that, and then tonight I am going to teach the big kid how to catch fire flies like a pro! I loved to do that as a kid! Tomorrow we are having some friends over for dinner, so that should be a good time. And tomorrow morning is my long run! I am scheduled for 8 and am really excited about it! After my not-so-hot run last week, I have been itching to get out there and try again. I think my diet last week had a lot to do with my bad run. I find when I eat better I run better (duh) so I have really been trying to be good about getting in all my fruits and veggies and staying away from all the processed stuff that's probably not too good for me anyway.

Okay, so I know I promised I would be back with substance, but I have none. What can I say, I am a simple gal. I do have a rather funny story about what happened when we had some friends over two weekends ago for dinner...but I think I'll save that for Monday. Lets just say I hope that this get together goes more smoothly than our first! haha! :)

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

love kp


Kristen said...

We are no longer blog twins :(. Just kidding! Things are going great over here and I am glad to hear that things are going good for you guys. I'll try and update mine tonight. Nothing much is goin on. Just normal life stuff.

As for that Blog, the woman is an inspiration. I sat down and read it from the beginning the other night and cried through most of it. It made me realize a few things about myself, and for me to say that, it has to be something pretty good!

Ok, I guess I had better feed my hungrey child.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're still keeping your days pretty busy! I hate we missed chat yesterday...I was sitting here at the table and something John Deere green caught my eye...big kids lunchbox. *sigh* Off I went!

Great job on the run this morning! How did it feel going sans Garmin?

Enjoy your time with friends! Love ya!

Kristen said...

Hey Kel,
Just wanted to check in and see how things are going. I saw that you guys had some pretty nasty weather yesterday/last night and I just wanted to make sure that everyone is ok. The news said that the power is knocked out in some places so I understand if you don't check in right away, but I hope you do soon. I hope all is well.
Love ya,