Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Swimming lessons: Day #2

Well today was day two of big kid's swimming lesson adventure. There was kicking, bubble blowing, jumping and floating. It was quite the day!! Here are a few pictures, and after you check those out, I'll be back.

Day 2: Practicing Kicking

Scooping arms

Working on the back float

Jumping in!!

Cute pics no?? The big kid seems to really be enjoying it, so I am happy. After lessons today we went to one of those bounce places, and the big kid had a ball...then the both slept like rocks for a few hours. Okay, well I was going to post more, but the husband and I are watching Wedding Crashers and it's hard to concentrate. So, I'll try to be back with more substance tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute! And I'm sure you're enjoying being on the sidelines and getting to watch!

CONGRATULATIONS on your age group placing/award this weekend! Super job!