Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hang on to your seats...pictures two days in a row!!!

Well I don't have a whole lot to write about, but I figured I would give a few updates and then post a few shots from our trip to the zoo last week. Today was pretty easy going. I took the boys to the zoo this morning, we got an annual zoo pass so we are taking advantage of it. It was such a good deal, for 40 bucks we get two adults (myself and one other) and unlimited children (under 21) in to the zoo all year long. Can't beat that!!

Went for a run tonight, still going well. I'm getting a "tiny" bit faster, but not as much as I would like. Still around 10:50/mile for anything over 3 miles. But the miles are coming along. I signed up for a race this weekend, it's a 10K which works out perfect because I was scheduled to do 6 miles anyway. What better way to run than with 1000 other runners!

Okay, well I could go on but I'd just be rambling so I'll leave you with some pictures I took of our trip to the zoo last week. Enjoy :)


Anonymous said...

Love the butterfly pic! (and of course hot shot!!!) That is one heck of a deal for a zoo pass...WOW! I can't say I blame you for planning to wear the thing out!

Yea!!! You signed up to do the 10k! I can't wait to hear about it! As for your pace, don't sweat it. Thats a really good training pace, especially acclimating to the hills. And if it makes you feel any better, I've been doing distance abit longer than you and my long run pace is only very marginally faster. You're training "smart" and thats the most important thing. And this 10k should help give you a good idea of where you should be training pace-wise for MCM...another plus!

Kristen said...

WOW! That is a cheap zoo pass. Ours here, and we have a small zoo mind you, is a lot more expensive then that. Love the pics!