Monday, June 30, 2008

It's a beautiful morning!!

And I am enjoying every second of it. The little guy is taking his morning nap, so the big guy and I are out in the back. I'm sitting on the deck, sipping coffee, and just enjoying a cool summer to join me??

GREAT! Let's chat then. Okay, I'll chat you listen...errr read??

So, this weekend was very nice. Friday we were planning to go to that outdoor theatre to see "A Bee Movie" but a crazy storm ripped through here and pretty much everything that was supposed to take place outdoors was cancelled. BUT our neighbor popped by around 9 to see if we were up for a patio sit complete with marshmallow roasting, so that's what we did. The little one passed out before too long, but our hot shot was going full speed until about 11:30 when we called it a night. We have really great neighbors here, I can already tell that leaving our new found home is going to be VERY hard. In KB it was a bit easier to leave because most of my good friends were already gone, and the ones that were still there would be on their way out soon enough. But here, these people are here to stay, so it's going to be a different story...oh well...such is Navy life. Moving comes with the territory. BUT the good thing is there is always a way to keep in touch, AND you just never know who you might meet at the next place. But enough of that, I still have 2 years here so I am NOT going to think about leaving now!

Saturday was long run day. Soon I am going to have to bump that to Sunday AM so I can run with the group (I'll need the motivation) but for now I'm still fine on my own. I did 8 miles, but did take two short stops. Once I got "lost" and ended up at a little picnic area that was a dead end, so I turned around and walk about 1 min or so back to the loop I was on, then at mile 6 my handheld water bottle was empty so I threw it in my car, took a big ole' swig of my drink, and finished up my last two miles. Overall it was a good run. My Garmin locked up on me as I was running out the door, so I went without it, and felt pretty naked. But after getting over that mental hump I was good. It's crazy how running gets in your head, there is so much to it mentally in addition to the physical part of it. But I am really enjoying my long morning runs, so that is a good sign.

After I got back we spent the time when the boys were napping cleaning house, and getting ready for our friends to come over. I made some bbq pulled pork which turned out AWESOME (thank you sam!) and some to die for Cappuccino Brownies!!! MMMMM they were sooooo good! We had a good time with our friends, and out little guy got to play with their little one (they are about a month apart) so they had fun!

Sunday was our usual day around here. Church, brunch, yard work, I went to the gym, took boys and pups to the park, dinner, relax...great day!!

Today I am just relaxing. The boys and I are getting ready to head out for a bit, but nothing big planned. I hope you all have a great start to your week, and I'll check back soon! love kel


Kristen said...

Love the new look! Where did it come from??? Glad to hear you guys had a great weekend. We had a pretty good one as well. Yesterday was full of smoke so we took a nice long family nap for about 3 hours! Great way to spend a Sunday. Anyway, talk to you soon.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

*taps foot* Uh...did you not take brownie pictures?!?!

Sounds like a nice weekend. I think you'll get alot out of group runs. *jealous* How do you like your handheld? Mine is too big for my hand so I'm on the hunt for another.

And you're welcome! We do that bbq ALOT...Andy loves it and it reminds me of the bbq from back home.