Thursday, June 12, 2008

so that happened...

What happened you may be asking?? Oh, I'm so glad you did, I'll tell you about it...

The hubby and I decided that Thursdays we would meet up at the gym so we could both get a workout in during the day so we (me) could be home the rest of the night. Our gym here is awesome, it has an indoor track that has a "stroller" lane for people that want to run or walk with joggers and it also has a play area that is set up for older kids (3-5) that is enclosed and there are about a dozen or so various cardio machines around the perimeter so you can work out while your little one plays and you can keep an eye on them. So this works great, hubby can run with the little one, and I can do my workout on the treadmill and watch the big kid. that's the background info.

So we take off today to put said plan in action, all is going well. We meet, hubs begins his first lap and I hop on the 'mill for my run. Not even 60 seconds into I hear a scream of pain I know all too well (the big kid). He has run into a piece on the playground and is currently gushing (and I really do mean gushing) blood from his mouth. I run to get him, some nice lady hands me her baby's blanket for me to use to stop the bleeding, and I try to figure out just what he has done. All the teeth are there, so that's good, it's his lip that is the problem. We get water, and get it cleaned up enough to see that he has bitten through his lip!! YUCK!! Lucky for us there was a childrens nurse there, and she helped me get him cleaned up, went to get us ice, and took a look at it to make sure it wasn't anything that would need stitches. Thankfully it's not that bad. But the kid is going to have one FAT lip I can tell you that.

So after he was somewhat cleaned up and calm again we left. The hubby got us out to the car and helped me get everything put back in. I took the kids home, fed them lunch, gave the big one a bath, and now they are sleeping. Caleb and I were both covered in his blood so I am also doing laundry to try and salvage the clothes we were wearing. Ahhhh life with's always an adventure. Haha. I am just thankful that he's fine, I was really scared when he looked up at me and I saw him bleeding like that. I know head wounds bleed more, and being in his mouth it was also probably mixed with saliva but still, you never want to see your baby like that. Okay...enough with the blood and guts, moving on...

Today has been pretty laid back (minus the event above). I am cleaning and doing laundry as well as making out a grocery list. Tonight after supper I am headed to pick up my race packet for my race on Saturday, then I am going to run, and then a trip to the store. I went yesterday but forgot a few things so I am just going to go tonight I think. I was thinking I might go when the kids woke up, but they are still sleeping so by then it would be after three...I dunno we will see. It's faster if I just go myself.

This next part is all about running, so if that bores you move on:

Running is going great. I went to the gym Tuesday night and realized that I just don't push myself hard enough when I am outside. I've been struggling after having the baby to get back to where I was when I STARTED running. My first race I ran a 5K (3.14) miles in 29:09 (a little under 10 min/mi), and these days I am lucky to break 11min/mile. The baby is almost a year old, which means I have probably been running for the past 8 months with no real improvement...UNTIL this week. My race Sat gave me a little boost I think that I could do better. Tues I set the speed on the treadmill for a 10 min/mile pace, and you know what?? I ran it just fine. I didn't feel like I was working TOO hard and had no pain. So then last night I went for my 2 mile run around the neighborhood and did it in 19:56!! WOOHOOO!! That was at 5 pm when it was over 85 degrees, windy and humid. I think I finally got my groove back!!! ABOUT FREAKING TIME!!!!!!! I know that time isn't anything super speedy, but it's a big improvement from where I was!!

This boost came at a good time too. Over the past month I have been trying to establish a good base with running in preparation for the marathon training, which will start here in about 1.5 weeks. I am doing an 18 week program, so soon my weekly mileage is going to start ramping up. Which means, I may not be writing as often. I love you all, but with running more, my "free" time is going to be less than it already is, and while blogging is fun, my sweet boys and stuff at home comes first! I won't completely fall off the face of the earth, I just probably won't be able to do the every day thing!! I'm looking forward to the training though and I really think this is going to be a neat experience.

Okay, well I hear the baby waking up so it's time for me to get going! Have a great day! love kp


Anonymous said...

Poor hot shot...and poor mom! :( Those moments are never fun, but glad it wasn't too terribly traumatizing!

Its great to see you pushing yourself in your training! I think you have a whole lot more in you than you realize. A year ago I'd have been pissed since my training is going downhill, but anymore I just don't care! ha ha! Adding in the wind and temps and hills and still kicking your old "normal" pace to the curb is big stuff girl!

Good luck at your race tomorrow...I'll be rootin' for ya!

love ya! sam

Kristen said...

Sorry to hear about the babe. Hope he feels better soon.