Saturday, June 14, 2008

Nebraska 5 Race Report

First off big shout out to sam!! She raced this morning too and did a kick ass job!! Way to go sweetie, as always, I am soooooo proud of you! :)

Well, if the last one was small this one was even smaller. And again, not only was there not a start PAD there were no chips at all. So I started my garmin just before I crossed the start and just after the finish for a time of 48:28 for a 5 mile race! The hubby got a picture of me crossing under the timer and that clock said 48:33 so I figure mine is pretty accurate seeing as how I put myself in the VERY back.

This was a very small race, mostly people from running clubs around the area, and track teams. There were some FAST runners there. The winner crossed in just over 25 min!! It was a beautiful day for a race. We had a good steady breeze but nothing that was too hard to run against, upper 70's and the course went through a park so we had a good bit of tree cover for most of the run. It was an "out and back" course with a turn-around point at 2.5 miles. The first half had few hills going up, the last one being pretty steep but only about .25 mile or so, but the rest were just little inclines, most of which I didn't think much of. Around mile 2 I synced up with a nice lady who was aiming for about the same time as me to finish so we ran together for awhile, she dropped back for a little while but we both finished strong and she met her goal time!! She found me after and gave me a hug for keeping her going strong. She beat her last 5 mile time by a full min and came in under her goal time!! So way to go Amy...wherever you are!

The race was at a nice park, so again the hubby and the boys got to play while I ran and then were there to cheer me on as I came in for my finish. About the last 1/2 mile I was really starting to feel it, but couldn't slow down by then, I had come too far! So that's it, not much of a report I guess, but it will do. I am really happy with my time and my effort. I feel that I did the best I could do, and that is a good feeling. I've posted a few pics of the day below for you to check out. Hope you all have a good weekend. ~ kp

Coming down the final stretch

The big kid joining me for some post-race stretching

And one of the munchkin because he's so darn cute!


Anonymous said...

WOWZA! Look how strong you're running...great form girl! And I'm a little jealous over those shorts. ha ha!

You did superendifficfantabulous today! It was awesome to run in spirit! (and thanks for the shout out!)

*high fives*

Kristen said...

Congrats on the run! I can't wait until we are some where for running to be a possibility. too busy where we are. Anyway, congrats again!