Monday, February 11, 2008

it's picture day!!

It's a day late, but we are pretending I posted this yesterday. Here are pics from the weekend! Enjoy :)

Driftwood Beach


Anonymous said...

its so funny how they pose for all your pictures, or at least sit still. how do you get him to cooperate so often? does he love having his picture taken. he is probably used to it, since you have done it since birth? haha :) they are so cute. mason is getting so big. i cant wait to come visit in nebraska and get to know them all over again! so much changes in between each visit, its so hard tok eep up. but they are adorable as always and getting soooo big, both fo them. the pictures are great. whats your site again for photography? has anything changed on there? any new shots ? how much business have you done so far, you go!!! i am so proud of you. are you goign to start it up in nebraska whwen you get there? that is just awesome that you are doing something that you love!

Anonymous said...

Love love love!