Friday, February 29, 2008

time flys

Happy Leap Day!! This day always fascinates me. The whole idea of it making up for "lost time" or whatever because the Earth doesn't rotate to have exactly 365 days in year...crazy.

SO SORRY for not posting like a good girl this week. It's been nuts so I am just going to recap the highlights and then sign off, and *hopefully* be back next week with all sorts of fun things.

First a shout out to my girl Nat, it seems that her and her hubbie are on the road to buying their first house!! Congrats sweetie, that is VERY exciting!!!

Let's see, last weekend the hubster and I both set personal records in running. We both ran 7 miles! That is just crazy when I think back, but what is even more crazy is this weekend we are doing 8, and then next is our race which is a 15k...wowza. I think I was still on a bit of a "running" high when I took on this challenge all those months ago, but it will be a good time. We have a friend coming as well as my cousin to race with us, my parents will be here to take the boys, it will be fun.

And...we have a contract on our house. WAHOOO! Just over 3 weeks on the market, so that's not too shabby. Tomorrow is the inspection, so as long as that goes over well, we will be good to go. I don't see anything going wrong. We have taken care of this place, and if there were something major wrong with it, we would know. But I'll rest easier once it's over with.

The hubs is flying out west here shortly. We were all going to go, but with prices these days, it just wasn't worth it. He's going to be sent with the digital camera and laptop and report back to me here. For him alone with airfare and renting a car it's about 500 bucks! that's not counting the food or his lodging. And that was getting 20% off with priceline on his tickets! YIIPES! Okay, that's enough of that, no one like to hear about money...

Oh, and the biz is going very well. If you haven't checked out the website lately you should. I've got new stuff in the gallery (portfolio) and there is more to come. I'm hiring my girl Sam to help me out again when her work-load eases up a bit. I need to be able to have some sort of on-line proofing thing set up so people can check out there stuff online. Things really picked up faster than I anticipated!! I didn't think I would need any sort of online proofing tool until later when I had more clients, but I am already getting to that point. Woo hooo!

Let's see, the in-laws are coming down for a bit tomorrow as well, in the afternoon. And that is about it for our weekend. I'll try to take some good pics and be back on Monday ready to go. In about two weeks things will slow down a bit, so just stick with me, I promise to return! Okay, well I hope you all have a nice weekend. love ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats Nat...and Good Luck!

Glad ya'll got a contract so fast. I know its nice for things to be rolling. Sending good vibes for the home inspection!

I've put a buzz in a few ears about better ways to online proof. Hopefully this week will be light enough for me to make some progress.