Wednesday, February 20, 2008

the price to fly

Yikes! My my, the price for flying has really gone up. We were going to all try and fly out west to look for houses but it would be over a grand to do so, so I'm thinking that my sweet husband will be flying out there on his own and reporting to us down here by phone and sending pictures of options and areas using the laptop.

Okay, well enough of that. I am sorry that todays entry isn't quite as fun as yesterdays. I just don't have it in me tonight. It's been a LONG day. But a good one. The big kid had his post-op appointment this afternoon and checked out A-OK! WHOO HOO. He also had an appointment with the allergist yesterday, and for the time being, he is testing negative for allergies, although i am sure in time the will show themselves, after all he is my son. just not now! He is doing very well.

Okay, well I'm going to call it a night. Tomorrow is survey thursday so I'll be back. later gators.


Kristen said...

Yeah, we are wondering how we are going to pull that off as well. Thankfully the places we want to go have huge airports so we should be able to get something kind of cheap. I refuse to fly with Ian as a lap baby anymore so we will be buying 3 tickets for now on, so I kind of feel you on the price thing. Hope it all works out.

Anonymous said...

It is pricey! We are lucky in that Spirit has a hub here, and in Myrtle Beach...which is my most common destination so I can fly there dirt cheap.

Trust in the hubby! At least you get to slough the "fun" job off on him.