Thursday, February 14, 2008

survey fun

we are pretending i really did post this on the day it says i did (again)

1. Ever been in a perfect relationship? Well nothing is perfect, but I am in one that is as close as it gets
2. Does someone like you?Well, hopefully my husband does or I'm in trouble!
3. Which is more fun, night or day? I am old now so night is for sleeping, so my fun is during the day
4. Are you wearing any jewelry? wedding and engagement ring.
6. Who was your last message from? Calebs allergists office
7. What did you eat today? lots and lots of coffee, carrots, some candy, little debbie snack, chicken nuggets (4 or 5), 1/2 a cupcake, a lasagna roll and a big salad
8. Do you like mustard? Yes.
9. What's the last thing you bought? some carrots and valentines treats for the kiddies at wal-mart this morning
10. do you know your fathers birthday? sure do
11. Where's the last place you went shopping? Wal-Mart.
12. Did you sing in the shower today? Not today.
14. What is the most irritating thing the opposite sex can do? Stare at your boobs when they talk to you. Ugh!
15. Who was your last kiss? Matt
16. What was the last movie you watched? We watched The Notebook last that movie, always cry when I watch it.
17. Is your shirt new? No, one I got over the summer and my sweatshirt is from college
18. Do you live near your ex boyfriend/girlfriend?Nope.
19. Does it annoy you when a number's missing in a survey?No, who cares!
20. Are you a cuddler?Not so much...actually not at all.
23. Do you read? Whenever I can, i love it
24. Who do you want in your life? hubby, kiddos, family, friends.
25. Last thing that made you cry? the movie I watched last night.
26. What's the last TV show you watched? Iron Chef I think
27. Do you like baseball?It's okay.
28. Least favorite sport? I dunno...sumo wrestling?
29. Last time you went out to eat? We picked up food not to long ago, but don't remember when we went in and sat down somewhere.
30. What are you doing tomorrow? big kid to school again, wal-mart, home to feed munchkin, off to big kids school to help with valentines party, party, home, get kids down for naps, work, go for a run, have friends kiddos over for the night so she can go out, laundry, clean for showing on saturday
31. What did you do yesterday? took the big kid to school, stroller strides, let flip out, home, picked big kid up, went on a picnic, home again, drove to see friend and new bebe, picked up dinner, home, called sister for bday, cleaned, and eventually crashed
32. What are you listening to? nothing
33. What are you doing right now? this survey
35. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? I wish!
36. What is the last thing you purchased online? placed an order for a client (pictures)
37. Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? yea, a few
39. Who was the last person you IMed? Samantha
40. Do you like quesadillas? sure do, will be having them saturday night
41. What do you know about the future? i am moving to omaha, ne
42. Who was the last person you rode in a car with? the kids
43. How old do you want to be when you have kids? well I had my first just after my 24th b-day, and my second when i was 26
44. Last time you ate cereal? does oatmeal count?? Then this morning
45. Do you have any tattoos? yup one, on my lower back
46. Do people hate you? I hope not, but if they do I really don't care
47. How often do you give high fives? A lot, the big kid really likes to give high fives
48. The next person you’ll hold hands with… will it mean anything? Not really.
49. The last person you held hands with.. did it mean anything? not really, but it was still nice
50. Do you like your life right now?Yup!

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